ecto Post Templates
This section is provided to give a detailed view of post templates in ecto.
One of the more interesting features in ecto that most people are unaware of it post templating. Post templating is a feature that's useful when you often make a post with the same style or general layout and would like to skip the process of laying out the post every time you want it to look a certain way.
In this example, we'll pretend I create regular posts for movie reviews and they all contain certain elements. The first is a title in a specific form and then a specific-sized image from the movie and then a tag that makes the rest of the text red and underlined. It might look something like this:
Post Title: Movie Review: *movietitle*
Post Body: <img src="" style="width: 200px; height: 75px;" align="left" alt="">
<span style="font: normal 12px Verdana; color: red; text-decoration: underline;">
Now that we have
our template set up, we can save it by 'Save As Template' which is under 'Post
Templates' in the File menu. Your template is now saved and can be identified
by it's label in the 'Post Templates' dropdown menu in the 'Basic' tab of the
main window (shown) or under 'Load Template' in the 'Post Template' section of
the File menu. Loading a template will replace all text you have in the Entry
Title and Entry Body boxes and is not undoable! Watch out so that you don't accidentally
erase a post you were working on.